

政府机构 & 官员


What is the principal legislative 和 governing body of the county?
的 Charlotte County Board of 县委员会ers, which has five elected commissioners. 见见我们的县长查看委员会分区地图.


Did you know that the Clerk of the Circuit Court is an elected public trustee who provides a system of "checks 和 balances"?
办事员保持 法庭记录及委员会会议记录 在许多其他服务中.

蓬塔戈达警察局 serve within the Punta Gorda city limits, 和 the 澳门正规网赌网址大全警长 服务于全县.

物业估价师常见问题网页 回答许多问题, 包括:如何评估财产, 评估值为什么会变化, 何谓宅地豁免.

Did you know the 蓬塔戈尔达市 is the only incorporated area of Charlotte County?
蓬塔戈达市网站 有他们服务的信息吗.

的 purpose of the Supervisor of Elections office is to register voters, 维护选民的记录, 缺席投票, 提前投票, c和idate qualifying 和 petition signature verification. 你可以 网上注册 在他们的网站.

What options are available to pay my taxes 和 renew licenses?
的 Tax Collector is responsible for the collection of ad valorem taxes 和 other taxes. 的 Tax Collector also acts as an agent for several state departments including the Department of Revenue, 公路安全和机动车辆管理局, 和 Florida Fish 和 Wildlife Conservation Commission. Use the Tax Collector's 网站 to pay taxes 在线.


Charlotte County uses its 首页 Rule Charter to govern itself.
你可以 浏览县规章全文.

Can I set up a meeting with the County Administrator?
安排和县长见面, please 联系 Judith Fauly or Natalie Sainchuk at 941.743.1944

的 Clerk of Courts is responsible for keeping official records in Charlotte County. 其中一些记录是可查询的 在线.

许可证 & 税


澳门正规网赌网址大全收税办公室已经 网上资料及表格.

我不明白我的财产是怎么估价的. 我在哪里可以得到更多的信息和支付我的账单?
的 Charlotte County Property Appraiser has an 在线 常见问题解答 page. 他们也有一个网页 网上缴纳有形个人财产税.

的re are two types of ad valorem property taxes in Florida which are Real Estate Property 和 Tangible Personal Property. 的se tax statements are mailed out on or about November 1st of each year. 你可以 网上纳税 在税收官的网站上.


我需要更新我的驾驶执照. 需要什么文件??
你可以找到 文件清单 现在需要更新你的执照. 在线更新您的执照.

Where can I go to take my test for a driver's license or renew my existing license?
Florida 公路安全和机动车辆管理局 网站 has a list of locations where you can take your test. 你也可以在网上续借.

All motor vehicles 和 trailers in the State of Florida must be registered 和/or titled. 这是税吏的责任, in his/her capacity as agent for the 公路安全和机动车辆管理局, to provide the necessary services 和 operations to accomplish this job. 注册 在线 or visit the Tax Collector's office.

狩猎 & 钓鱼

是的, a valid license or permit is required by all persons who intend to hunt or fish in Florida, 然而, 也有豁免. 更多的信息.



的 local business tax grants the privilege of engaging in or managing a business, 职业, 夏洛特郡的职业. 的 tax is in addition to any other fees paid to operate a business. In 2007, the name was changed from occupational license tax to local business tax.

  • A 地方营业税收据 is not a license at all. It is non-regulatory tax by which a local government grants the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, 专业或职业.
  • A 地方营业税收据 is non-regulatory 和 can be revoked only if doing business with Cuba, or upon the revocation of a local or State license issued by governmental agencies (examples: Contractor, 医生, 美容师, 房地产经纪人).
  • A person who holds a 地方营业税收据 as a “h和yman” cannot perform any phases of construction. 他们只能做重新筛选之类的工作, 修剪草坪, 地毯和油毡安装, 换门锁和灯泡, 清理排水沟, 窗口着色.

澳门正规网赌网址大全的收税员 更多关于地方营业税的信息.

Where can I find applications 和 forms for businesses?
Applications 和 forms are available in any of the Charlotte County Tax Collector's offices 和 on 他们的网站.


What are the guidelines for operating a business in Charlotte County?
Charlotte County Code Section 1 10-18 requires that any person who engages in or manages any business, 专业或职业 in the County for which a 营业税 Receipt is required, must obtain a 营业税 Receipt prior to the commencement of that business, 职业, 或职业.


What is the purpose of the Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce?
的 Charlotte County Chamber of Commerce is organized to advance the prosperity 和 general welfare of its business members 和 the community they serve. 拜访他们 网站.

What is the purpose of the Charlotte County Economic Development Office?
Charlotte County Economic Development Office offers reference material 和 assistance to existing industry or to businesses wishing to move to Southwest Florida. 拜访他们 网站.

What is the purpose of the Englewood-Cape Haze Area Chamber of Commerce?
的 Englewood-Cape Haze Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is organized to encourage the development of responsible business 和 economic growth while enhancing the community. 拜访他们 网站.

What is the purpose of the Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce?
的 Punta Gorda Chamber of Commerce is committed to improving the local business climate, because they believe that when your business succeeds, 我们的社区也在繁荣. 拜访他们 网站.


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